
Showing posts from March, 2020

Online Teaching; It is Happening

I took a training course in online teaching through Front Range Community College almost two years ago (summer 2018), hoping to teach English comp online, asynchronously. I never thought it made for the ideal class setting, but having those skills seemed pretty important in today's day and age. I had the chance to use them a little when I was a success coach a year ago (spring and summer 2019) for a developmental English comp class, and that was good experience. I learned a lot both of online teaching tools and skills but also about some of the developments in the psychology of learning. The unideal part was confirmed, though. I don't think I would recognize any of those students if I ran into them, and even if they told me their name and recognized me from the videos I made, I wouldn't be able to remember anything about them. But I generally did enjoy the teaching part of the coaching--preparing videos, editing some assignment descriptions (most of the assignments were pre