
Showing posts from February, 2020

Assigned Seats

I don't really remember the last time I had assigned seats in school. They were definitely assigned in elementary school--always, and perhaps some in junior and high school--wait, yes, actually. I think there was a switching of or to assigned seats after the first semester of English senior year because I remember some sort of adjusting period, and I didn't sit by my friends. Okay, so there was also that time in Trig that I had my seat reassigned, and only mine--not the whole class--to keep me from talking too much to my friends. But that's a different story. That all aside, I doubt I had any college teachers who assigned seats. I don't even remember if they assigned us to work with specific people. No, I take that back. In freshman English, the group paper was an assigned team. Otherwise, probably nothing more than discussion groups for the day, very temporary. Any group projects I did, that I remember, were all groups I chose or that the teacher helped us to get tog